Veräjäpelto daycare

Most of the Veräjäpelto Daycare Center, located in Leppävaara, Espoo, has served as part of three previous buildings, which makes it a perfect example of the sustainable future of construction.

Veräjäpelto daycare offers healthy and safe daycare facilities, and up to 84% of which is made from sustainably reused elements.

  • Daycare Center
  • Veräjäpellonkatu 12, 02650 Espoo, Finland
  • 2023
  • 1784 m²
  • 1 floors

A truly circular and economy-friendly daycare building

The Veräjäpelto daycare center building consists of modules from Parmaco’s standard system, which are connected by corridors to form a unified whole. Reusable modules have been lifted onto the foundations and installed in place 8-10 pieces per day, and the entire daycare center building, including yard work, was completed 15 weeks after the start of work.

84% of the Veräjäpelto daycare center’s 1,784 square meters comes from building modules that previously served as a school, and most of the modules are now in their third round of use. The Veräjäpelto daycare center is an example of how a modular building can be reused efficiently and with high quality, while at the same time giving a former school building a new life as a daycare center.